
Friday, October 12, 2018

Breakfast. Now.

How to train your human lesson #1:
Stare at the thing you want.  If your human is not very smart, additional prompting may be required. 

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


  1. Look at Simon's little white fluffy tail in the mirror! It's so cute! River is cute too, but Simon looks like he has a big old cotton ball on his butt! It's adorable!

  2. Simon and River: this, we want this, not the pellet container, but the pellets, because we want to have breakfast, because we are hungry. Get it? Food!

  3. Hi Anon and Mónica!

    His little cotton ball tail always cracks me up! I've never had a bun whose tail was quite that ball-like fluffy. I can only imagine that River is a bit jealous of his majestic floof. I just need to remind her that with great floof comes great responsibility...and an inability to walk on slippery floors with the level of agility she has. ;)

    Step #2 is to alternate looking at the pellet container and then at me and back to the pellet container. Step #3 is pushing the pellet container. Step #4 is trying to chew open/knock over the pellet container to serve yourself because the little human is too dim to walk and chew gum at the same time, so she can hardly be expected to give hungry bunnies the food they so desperately desire.

  4. If I had a dollar every time my bunny demanded food, he'd pay for his own meals year round, lol.

  5. Hi Reuben!

    Oh, seriously! If we gave food to Simon every time he demanded it, the fluffy little guy would be spherical with 4 little bunny paws sticking out at random. I can only imagine that he is that way because (aside from River, who is the opposite of food-motivated) their 4 other siblings must've always eaten all of the food before he felt he got his fill. So much bunny food drama!

  6. Now I'm imagining this round brown floof with little paw/stands sticking out and a big cotton-ball on his patootie, lol. XD

  7. Hi Reuben!

    Like a little fluffy balloon! XD
