
Thursday, October 18, 2018

It's like Wild Kingdom in here.

Our mighty little carrot hunter stalks her prey in a sea of Timothy hay.  Will she find all of the dehydrated carrot slices or will they evade capture and do whatever it is that carrot slices do?  Only time will tell!


  1. She must be like "see? I can survive in the wild! Let me out of the house!"

  2. Hi Mónica!

    ...As she completely misses 3 carrots that are visible to humans, who can see the color orange. The funny thing is that being deaf has not made her sense of smell any more acute (she really relies on vision). If she knocks over her food dish, chances are that she will never find half of her pellets if left to her own devices. I end up going on a pellet hunt and relocate them back to her bowl. I'm hoping to entertain and build up her hunting prowess at the same time! :)
