
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Fort Bun.

Simon:  You can't cross my fort's purple wall because you got me in trouble!
River:  You were mean to me in front of the little human and got sent to bunny jail.  You got you in trouble.


  1. Dear Simon J. Bun, River S. Bun, and Mirror D. Bun,

    What is this I hear about you being mean? Please explain this to me. I need it for my list.

    And River, did you do anything to provoke Simon into being mean?


    Santa Paws

  2. Oh so much bunny drama in here. What did you do, Simon?

  3. Maybe Simon ate all of River's Halloween candy. :o

  4. Hi Santa Paws, Mónica, and Anon!

    Simon definitely is a strong contender for inclusion on the 'naughty' list. He decided that since I just got back from my travels, I needed to know that he was now self-proclaimed alpha bun of the living room (and perhaps the world).

    Poor little River didn't do anything to provoke this turn of events but exist! I'm a bit impressed with her self-restraint during his little power trip.

    It was a good thing that Simon soon realized that absolute power corrupts absolutely and that it wasn't a good look for him...and would result in a full-fledged mutiny by River, Mr. Giraffe, and the mirror buns. He eventually apologized and the balance of power was restored. Crisis averted! ;)
