
Monday, February 4, 2019

That about sums it up.

River had some tummy issues on Sunday and needed medicine and a force-feeding.  Thankfully, the grudge-holding munchkin is feeling better now and has managed to rid herself of any stray medicine and smell of human.


  1. oh no! poor baby! glad to hear she's feeling better!

  2. Awww...poor River. Hope all is well now. Did Simon and River get the chance to watch any Bunny Bowls on Sunday?

  3. Hi Mónica and Anon!

    Aww, thanks--she's feeling much better now! She didn't get as many greens as she usually does the night prior and I think that may have caused it. Last week's produce selection wasn't at it's best.

    Simon and River were hoping for some bunny-themed commercials or at least a bunny-centric half-time show, but were sadly disappointed. Simon is of a mind to write a strongly worded letter to the NFL to address this oversight for next year. ;)

  4. Ack! "...wasn't at its best."

    Sometimes spelling is hard.
