
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

So over it.

This was taken during River's eye ouchie recovery.  I was attempting to get her to drink something, so I made up some cold peppermint tea.  I love that even though she refused to touch it, she still looks annoyed that Simon is helping himself to some!

River ended up getting twice daily antibiotic eye drops for 5 days after scratching her third eyelid/nictitating membrane.  The medicine probably upset her stomach, so she refused to eat/drink willingly and had to be force fed a few times.

I did discover that you can annoy a bunny into anger-eating some fresh celery!  This involved gently (but relentlessly) tapping her nose and mouth with the celery stalk until she would get annoyed and box at it, then try to move it out of the way, then nip at it and discover that it tasted pretty good and would then eat a bit of it. 

This process had to be repeated every couple of hours for those 5 days...which got old for the both of us pretty quickly.  It's an effective (if tedious) method of getting a bunny to eat actual food instead of just critical care.  I went with the celery because it has a good bit of water and fiber to help stave off GI stasis and keep her from getting dehydrated.

I hope this info helps any of you who have a bun who won't eat!


  1. River was like "the fact that I don't want it doesn't mean YOU can have it!"
    Glad to hear the little munchkin is doing well due to your great cares!

  2. Hi Mónica!

    Aww, thank you! We're just so glad that she's feeling better and getting back to her old shenanigans again. :)
