
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Thanks, I hate it!

Why does medicine taste like yuck and get all stuck in my fur?!  Oh, yeah--I also smell like human now, so that's even more cleaning.
On a positive note:  She is feeling better!


  1. Oh no! Poor baby! What happened?
    Glad to hear she is feeling better! Though she will be stuck smelling like human for a looong time.

  2. Hi Mónica!

    She's just starting a heavy shed and decided to pluck some excess fur by herself, which I'm sure she ended up eating more than what I could pull out of her mouth when I noticed her impromptu do-it-yourself project. Usually, she's content to let me pluck the shedding fur a couple of times a day, but I guess she thought she was 'helping'.

    Thankfully, a bit of aspirin, simethicone and some critical care (a powder you mix with water for force-feeding) got her back to her old self in a few hours. She actually binkied on the couch before she started eating her hay and baby carrot I offered her (I caught a video of it, so I'll try to post it at some point)! I'm just glad she's eating on her own and is leaving the grooming up to me. :)
