
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

A diabolical plan.

Ha!  Revenge is mine!

Not content to have all of the fur I plucked off her be contained in the plastic baggie, River decided that the rest of her shedding fur should be equally distributed across the entire living room.  She did this on purpose (the fan is running in the pic, though the shutter speed makes it look stopped).
If you look closely in the background, you can see that Simon is scandalized by these events along with the baggie full of 2 days worth of River's fluff.


  1. My goodness, look at that evil fluffy hair! Bet she looked at you right in the eye before putting her plan into action. Simon looks rightfully shocked. Amazing how much a bunny can shed in two days.

  2. Hi Mónica!

    The little goober waited until I was rubbing some of the bunny fluff off of my hands to make a bee-line for the fan. She is nothing if not patient!

    I'm just lucky that she tolerates the plucking really well and usually is content to loaf out and purr away while I'm de-bunny fluffing her. I swear, she's trying to break a speed record this shed! Poor little munchkin looks like she stuck a penny in a plug.
