
Friday, February 7, 2020

Asking the important questions.

River:  Are we registered to vote?
Simon:  I'm not sure.
River:  We better check just to be on the safe side!

Simon and River just want to remind you to:
1.  Register to vote if you haven't yet.
2.  Check on your voter registration status to make sure it is active (voter roll purges can and do happen prior to elections).
3.  Check that your current address is correct on your driver's license/state ID and that it matches the one on your voter registration.

Go to to do all of the above.

**Set a reminder on your phone to check your voter registration status again a month or so prior to the elections just to be sure your voter status is still active and all of the info is correct.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday. 


  1. If I wasn't from and lived in Spain, you bet your fluffy butts I would vote. So bunnies, I wish you the best of lucks. Let's take those c***s off the government! (sorry for the swearing)

  2. Hi Mónica!

    Thanks, we're going to need it. No worries--sometimes a single cuss word gets the point across better than a paragraph of 'nicer' words.

    Those that would abuse their power for their own personal gain do not represent anyone but themselves and need to be voted out of office.
