
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I want some.

Though I'm sure Simon is old enough in bunny years, beer is not for bunnies!  The little dude was intrigued by the mocha stout and kept trying to stick his head in my glass.


  1. Awww that head tilt! But no, Simon Bun, beer is not for you! What is with bunnies and tasting things they shouldn't?
    I really needed a good laugh today, buns. So thanks!

  2. Hi Mónica!

    Simon has scared me more than once trying to taste-test things like hydrangeas in a bouquet because they were blue and pretty. Hydrangeas are no bueno (they're poisonous to bunnies).
    Aww, glad the little munchkin could give you a laugh and I hope your day got better! I'll give them both a noogie for you. :)
