
Monday, September 28, 2020

Hey, River...

I'm out!  Just thought you should know.

Yeah, he's totally not trying to rub that in her face or anything.  This is what happens when I try to let Simon feel special by letting him think he was super sneaky and slipped past me when I was giving bedtime noogies.  River has had a lot of attention during her recovery, so I try to even things out a bit by giving him a chance to do a victory lap around the living room.

To be fair, River would do the exact same thing to him if their roles were reversed, so don't feel too bad! 😉


  1. What a "sneaky" little boy. I love that the first thing he does is go to his sister's to tease her about it, that's the true sibling experience!
    River's face looks like she's thinking "You are a little b**** you know that, right?"

  2. Hi Mónica!

    It's good to know that siblings act the same no matter the species. :)
