
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Speed eating grand champion!

Simon managed to snarf up two very large sprigs of parsley in the time it took me to grab my camera.  Looks like lemon balm is going to be a close second with spearmint getting a participation trophy!

Well, it's good to see that my gardening efforts are being appreciated.


  1. He is such a little glutton! I wish I could smooch him!

  2. Hail the grand champion! What a nice selection of fresh herbs, I'm sure River and Simon love that their veggies are home grown!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    Aww, I'll give our little foodie a noogie for you! :)

    I'll let the little fella know that his eating achievements have spread far and wide! I'm just glad that the weird temperature swings we've had so far this spring haven't impacted bunny noms. ;)
