
Monday, December 20, 2021

Psst--Don't look now, but...

I think Simon is about to start a shenanigan all by himself and I couldn't be more proud!


  1. Looks like Simon is also going to attempt to go under the couch, when Simon stops sulking and pouting he can be so adventurous too! I wonder if he'll also try to prank River?!

  2. The important questions here are: did he go through it? Did he commit to the shenanigan? Or did he back down because he felt guilty??
    I love River's tiny mouth in this one!

  3. Hi Tarosagi and Mónica!

    The little dude can definitely surprise us sometimes with a rogue adventurous streak! I'm sure 'pranks' (aka theft) are a possibility if food is involved. ;)

    He managed to get his head and shoulders under there before he Winnie the Pooh'd himself and had to abandon his adventure. There's nothing quite so funny as a bunny pretending that they meant to look silly! XD
