
Thursday, March 24, 2022

She's doing it again!

And she's eating my hay too.


  1. I was wondering when she was going to be back at it with her shenanigans! Poor Simon, he truly looks frustrated and pouty! I understand that being senior bunnies mean that if you have to go then you absolutely have to go, but River, hon, your cage is litteraly on the right of Simon's, not on the other side of the room!

  2. It begins! Simon looks so upset at the invasion of his property, and River is trying to look so sweet and innocent like if she hasn't done anything and "accidentally" wandered into Simon's cage!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    I know, right?! Simon is such a patient little fella. I can't really be mad at River since she was getting over an ear infection, so that was the first time she showed any interest in hay for about a week...apparently the fact that it was Simon's made it especially appealing. I think even Simon was just play acting 'pouty' after watching River get ear drops (and secretly glad I wasn't doing it to him).
