
Thursday, April 28, 2022

House call.

If River is having an off day, Simon takes the party to her!  He also gets some sweet, sweet litter-box claiming revenge out of the deal. 😉


  1. I hope that Simon take the opportunity to give some kisses 😏☺️

  2. What a loving big bro he is! And brave too, since he has the audacity to go into a female bun territory and pee in her litter cage! But it was all in the name of love! Or so he says...
    PS: I just love River so much, she is so tiny she fits in that box!

  3. Good to see Simon being a good big brother and dispensing snuggles and cuddles and kisses, I'm sure River loves all the attention she's getting!

  4. Hi Alex!

    Oh, he definitely made up for the claimed litter box and stolen munchies with lots of kisses! :)

    Hi Mónica!

    He really is! I was surprised the first time he did it given that's a good way to get a butt nip from River for trespassing. She really is so little that she'll sometimes sleep on her side in that ziploc container with maybe a foot dangling out for maximum comfort! ;)

    Hi Tarosagi!

    She really is loving every minute of Simon treating her like a little princess! We always make sure to give him as much attention as we've been giving River lately (don't want him to feel left out/jealous) and have to give him little treats whenever we do anything with River's food dish (because he always thinks we're giving her something, even if we're really just putting the food back in that she's managed to spill). :)
