
Friday, April 22, 2022

Making every day count.

I just wanted to keep you all in the loop that River's been having a bit of a rough go of it the last few days with the advent of some seizure activity.  She isn't in any pain and the seizures are just a few moments of missing time for her.  Given her advanced age (10 years, 4 months) and frailty, we're at the comfort care stage of her journey.

She's still the sweet little munchkin she's always been and is still showing interest in food and the world around her.  She has her good days where she's more lucid and we're making the most out of every day we have with her by showering her with attention and love.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


  1. Tell River that this anonymous poster loves her very much. I have checked this blog every weekday for several years now, and she has made all of those days a little better. She doesn't know it, she's just a cute little bunny trying to have fun, but just by being herself she has made a positive impact on the lives of people that she'll never even meet. I love you, River.

  2. River is a very special little bun, just like Simon. They are spoiled rotten yet they are still so sweet. I just love how you make every single day to be a new adventure for them. I hope River gets the tons of love and kisses she deserves, like the queen she is.

  3. We've (me and my husband) have lurked here for years following your bunnies. It's almost like having bunnies of our own. Much love to Simon, River, and their humans. We will be almost as sad as you when the rainbow bridge is crossed. Here's hoping that crossing is still way off into the distance.

  4. River and Simon's adventures and misadventures are something I always look forward to reading about. River is a little trooper and such a silly girl and we're glad that she is in such loving and caring hands and that we get a glimpse into their bunny daily lives. I wish her and Simon well and that we may appreciate and enjoy their daily shenanigans for as long as we can and enjoying every day of it.

  5. For me, River and Simon are very special.
    Last year I fought against cancer, and every day, I came to this blog to see their new adventures.
    With your brother, you give me a smile for the day.
    Surely if I'm still here today, it's also thanks to you!

    I hope everything is going well for you River.
    I send you lots of love from France :)

    Ps : sorry for my bad english :)

  6. I love them so much ♥️♥️♥️

  7. Hi Anon #1!

    I will definitely do that and give her a gentle noogie for you. I'm so glad the little munchkin has had a positive impact on a world she's never even seen.♥️

    Hi Mónica!

    Aww, that's so sweet of you to say. The little fluff is definitely getting the royal treatment with all the alfalfa, oats, parsley and cantaloupe she could want (right now we're playing the daily game of 'What will River eat?' and those seem to be the foods that spark joy).

    Hi Anna (and your husband)!

    I'm so glad Simon and River have been little fluffy ambassadors into the life of bun for you! Aww, thank you for the love and well wishes. Honestly, we weren't sure River would make it to the weekend earlier last week, but the little munchkin is full of surprises and she's taking this new development in stride. She just gave the reaper the flicky-foot and said, "Not today." She does what she wants! :)

    Hi Tarosagi!

    Aww, that's so sweet of you to say and it really means a lot to us. Thank you! ♥️

    Hi Alex!

    I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that, but it warms my heart to know that Simon and River could help make those days just a tiny bit brighter for you and gave you something to look forward to. I hope you're doing better now. River is a little trooper and keeps being the same adventurous little munchkin she's always been...just with a little extra danger bun on top since she isn't letting a couple seizures interrupt her shenanigans! Thanks for the love and I'll let the little one know for you.

    Ps: No worries--your English is just fine! :)

    Hi Anon #2!

    Aww, thank you--I'll give the little munchkin some noogies and treats for you! ♥️
