
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

New neighbor!

I don't think Mrs. Bun was impressed by me sticking my head out the door to say 'hi' and post her pic on social media.  I'm pretty sure she's going to warn her bunnies that I'm the stranger danger she's been talking about. 😅


  1. I've never seen a bunny look at anything with that much contempt. You are now persona non grata to that bun!
    I've always wondered, how do you think Simon and River would react to meeting a wild bun?

  2. She looks shocked and surprised at your sudden greeting and taking photographs, but I'm sure she's also wondering why there are bunnies living inside your home with ears that go down!?

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    I know, right?! I imagine she was thinking, "Weirdo!" as I got the side eye. Well, I know River's response was jealousy because I was giving her a noogie when the big human spotted our new neighbor on the deck and said, "Oh, quick--you've gotta come here!" River hopped out of her cage after I grabbed the camera and gave a few good thumps to let me know just what she thought of the situation. XD

    Yeah, that's gotta be a surreal situation for the wild bun because there was no way it couldn't smell our bunnies from the distance I was at. Then again, domestication is good work if you can get it! Though, cottontails are not the domestication type. :)
