
Thursday, May 5, 2022

Be nice and just share it.

Mr. Giraffe appears to be mediating a dispute over the folded purple towel.  There are five other towels scattered about the living room, but this towel is special...for reasons...I guess.


  1. That towel's special because the other bun wants it, Simon has already positioned himself as Supreme Ruler of the towel, while River uses her digging technique to get herself some tactical advantage

  2. I guess they know which towel is the super special one, and that super special one can be whichever towel they're both on! I'm sure that Mr. Giraffe can use his legalese to help them both get along and share the purple towel together, joint custody!

  3. Hi Mónica!

    Yup. This is the same tactic I use to get them to eat their hay--just take hay from one of them and give it to the other! Simon was definitely playing king of the mountain with the purple towel, while River was trying to undermine him!

    Hi Tarosagi!

    It was funny how emotionally attached they both were to the folded purple towel. I'm glad that Mr. Giraffe was able to negotiate an amenable joint custody arrangement because I definitely didn't want to have to play the role of Solomon on that one. I would've had to cut that bad boy in half because being bun, neither of them would've given up their claim on it. XD
