
Monday, May 23, 2022

Good girl!

River has been a good little eater this weekend!  She has even expanded her baby food options to include:  apple, banana, banana-blueberry, carrot, and pumpkin-banana-carrot.  She also started eating the critical care log again, so that's even more calories and fiber--yay! 🎉


  1. Congrats River !! you're the best :)

  2. Looks like somebun rediscovered that bunny yummies are actually pretty tasty! Good girl!
    Lol Simon in the background looking like "Am I gonna get some too or what?"

  3. Way to go River eat all that yummy food it will help you bulk up and build your strength so you can challenge Simon for control of the coveted super special purple towel!

  4. Hi Alex!

    Aww, I'll let the little munchkin know you said so! :)

    Hi Mónica!

    It always makes me smile when I see her eating on her own again. Simon is loving all of the baby food options. His spoonful of awesome has become the highlight of his morning! :)

    Hi Tarosagi!

    Oooh, added incentive for eating all the noms! ;)
