
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Little sisters.

Hey, Simon--I'm having a picnic and you're not!

River refused to acknowledge that the only reason she was having a 'picnic' was because I had to clean up the total devastation that was her cage.  In other news, Simon was bunimpressed with how his morning was turning out.


  1. Lol! That's an excellent idea to get her to eat something! Making it something special that only she can have and then let her gloat before Simon! I love that poor Simon is looking at you like "really?"

  2. Glad to see River having a nice medley of yummy foods! Hopefully Simon was able to have a small morsel so he's not sulking because he wasn't invited to the buffet!

  3. Hi Alex!

    Lol--I did Simon one better by taking some of the long alfalfa hay from River's cage and giving it to him! Stolen hay is the best hay, and alfalfa hay is pretty awesome on its own, so that turned his little frown upside down pretty quickly. :)

    Hi Mónica!

    That and stealing some of her hay to give it to Simon automatically made the food more valuable and she figured she'd better commence to chowing down before I gave him any more of her noms! I'm getting pretty good at this bunny psychology thing. ;)

    Hi Tarosagi!

    The stolen hay went a long way to smoothing his ruffled fluff. I also slipped him a big banana chip when River wasn't looking! :)
