
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

So you're telling me...

That the pellets I refuse to eat are made of the same hay that I do eat?


  1. River ! you need to eat your pellets :)

  2. Don't listen to him, River! Mr. Giraffe is trying to confuse you with truth and facts!

  3. "Her entire world came crashing down. Everything she believed, everything she had been taught was a lie. She had been fooled, bamboozled, and decieved... From that day onwards River would never be the same bunny she was before."

  4. This is reality shattering for River oh my goodness! But, the proportion of hay in the pellets might not be enough to whet her appetite, though I'm sure Mr. Giraffe will use his legalese to convince River that there is a certain threshold percentage which makes it technically/legally hay, so that River will actually eat her pellets!

  5. Hi Alex!

    I keep telling her but she doesn't listen. ;)

    Hi Anon!

    It's a good thing that River never let a silly little thing like reality stand in the way of her opinions. XD

    Hi Mónica!

    Oh, my--this reads like a supervillain origin story! What has Mr. Giraffe done?! D:

    Hi Tarosagi!

    River's mind = blown! We can only hope that Mr. Giraffe can sway the jury on this one. Maybe if he says that the pellets could also contain other yummy things like oats and sunflower seeds... :)
