
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Breakfast with the bunnies!

River was really lovin' the alfalfa hay while Simon was patiently waiting his turn totally sleeping in.  (You know the little fella would've gotten into a shoving match over it if he were awake right now.)


  1. Damn ! what did Simon do all weekend to be so tired? a bun party ?
    It's good to see River eat it's breakfest too:)

  2. Looks like Simon is still recovering from Monday! It's too bad you can't share your beverage with him, that might wake him up, or maybe you can activate Scoots McGee's super power, that will definitely give him an awakening! It's nice to see River munching away at some greens, looks like she's not being very picky which is good.

  3. Go River! Shove your entire head into the bowl! Thank God Simon was asleep, because if he wasn't he would push her so hard he would send her to the other side of the room!

  4. Hi Alex!

    I think Simon must've pulled a double sentry duty to be so sleepy! We are so happy to have River eating on her own--it was a good day! :)

    Hi Tarosagi!

    Yeah, the little fella was postponing the day until he was better rested. I'm glad she is good about eating the alfalfa--I keep trying to slip a bit of the orchard grass hay in there too, with mixed results. Ah well, so long as she has something in her tummy!

    Hi Mónica!

    Definitely! That little fella is both shameless and highly food-motivated. XD
