
Monday, June 27, 2022

Hmph--The indignity!

As soon as I finish drying myself off, I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to the complaint department about you two!

Simon was not a happy camper about being bun-handled into smelling all nice and flowery again.  He especially didn't like being passed off to big human like a furry football so I could make sure the little dude was pristine.


  1. He might hate the entire process, but when he's done he's all soft, snuggly and smelling so nice, might as well give him the purple towel at that point too, to give him the most comfort for his troubles!

  2. Hi Tarosagi!

    I ended up scooping him off the counter with the purple towel in tow so the little fella could continue drying off on a much softer surface. He flicky-footed back into his cage to sulk and dry. At least he has his old, funky yet trusty purple towel in there, though that's a cleaning task for another day! ;)

  3. You can give the most thorough butt cleaning but bunnies are never satisfied until they finish the job! And even then, they still give you the stink eye!

  4. Hi Mónica!

    Oh, the little dude looked so scandalized when I passed him over to big human! XD It didn't occur to him that cleaning could be a tag-team sport.
