
Thursday, July 7, 2022

I need an adult!

The wood floor is lava and Simon only has the courage to hop it once so he can go exploring.  After the fun is over, he's suddenly unable to make the return trip without assistance in the form of a towel land bridge. 


  1. Every bun need a purple towel !

  2. I mean he's smart, he knows when to turn back, he knows his limits but he's still a brave little explorer. I suggest he learn how to do the scoot from Scoots McGee, it might take years of training but he can learn to move across the slippery wooden floor without sliding!

  3. Hi Alex!

    Very true--purple towels are pretty awesome! I mean, what can't they do? Need an impromptu bunny fort, toy, bed, or slippery floor rescue device? Bam! Purple towel. :)

    Hi Tarosagi!

    The little fella definitely accepts that discretion is the better part of valor when it comes to exploring the hallway and rooms beyond. We'll have to see if Scoots McGee is taking on any new apprentices in the art of slippery floor traversing. He is in demand due to all of the slippery floors in this place! ;)

  4. Going exploring us way more fun thab returninh! Simon was so busy with the adventure that he didn't notice he would probably need help on his way back!

  5. Hi Mónica!

    The little fella definitely has an explore now, consider consequences later approach! ;)
