
Monday, August 15, 2022

Too tired.

Mr. Giraffe:  Aren't you guys gonna play?

Bunnies:  Nah, we're good.


  1. The siren call of the purple towel! None of them wants to get up and play because as soon as one gets up, the other won't waste any chance in claiming the towel for themselves.

  2. Hopefully it wasn't the heat that tired them out, but it can be pretty hard to resist a nice comfy towel. If only Mr. Giraffe had some treats to entice them with!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    The purple towel really is almost irresistible, but if Mr. Giraffe had treats I'm pretty sure Simon would relinquish his spot as soon as he caught sight of them (not sure if he'd be too conflicted about it)! River would happily claim all of the towels and just expect Mr. Giraffe to hold some treats back for her. ;)
