
Thursday, September 1, 2022

'Scuse me!

Simon couldn't resist the thrill of slamming into the arm on the other side of the couch.  I can only imagine it's the bunny version of bumper cars.

On what would've been Mom's 75th birthday, I think it would be cool if we could all be a bit more like Simon and live in the moment.  Do something spontaneous, fun, or silly today and give someone a hug because hugs are awesome!


  1. I hope this day hasn't been too hard on you. I also hope those amazing buns provided you all with some comfort and crashes!

  2. Simon and River understand the important things like living in the moment, waking up happy and excited everyday with some yummy food and water, it's really easy to take for granted but I do my best but when the workload and responsibilities creep up it's easy to miss the forest for the trees. And you're exactly right we should try to be more like them since they have all the answers, and I did do something spontaneous and I did hug someone so I'm happy about that.

    And I hope that you'll be able to remember the good times you had with your mom and how much she also loved the bunnies too!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    Aww, thank you both so much. I won't lie, the pain and loss is still there (and always will be) but the memories have become bitter-sweet instead of sad, so that's progress. The bunnies were very helpful with providing a distraction! :)

    I'm in the process of hand sewing a memory quilt from her clothes for my Dad and today I started the applique on the panels of fabric. Quite a mile-stone since it's been months of disassembling clothing, cutting and piecing together the parts to create seashells, shorebirds, and hearts! Her clothes were pretty nondescript, so I decided to create a pattern of something she loved.

    Tarosagi, I'm so glad you seized the day and did something spontaneous and gave a hug!

  4. That sounds really nice making a memory quilt for your dad, I'm sure your dad will really enjoy having something to remember you mom by in addition to all the memories you all shared.

  5. Hi Tarosagi!

    I'll try to get a pic of it with the bunnies when I finish it. :)
