
Monday, September 19, 2022

The standoff.

Somebun doesn't want to let the little human go to bed.  You would think that given how much bunnies enjoy napping, they wouldn't begrudge anyone else from getting some sleep.  I may need to bring in Mr. Giraffe as a negotiator.


  1. What a stubborn little girl! She is having her revenge for all that paw cleaning!

  2. Ahh! River just wants a playmate and someone to be her partner in crime since Simon often sides with the big humans!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    You're both right--River is a complex little bun! It's a good thing Mr. Giraffe was able to help negotiate her return to her cage in exchange for half of a yogurt drop. She tried to convince me that she deserved the whole yogurt drop, but we talked her down because she never finishes an entire one anyway (she just licks the coating off and leaves a mangled bit of jellied fruit behind). :)
