
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Halloween out-takes.

[lick-lick-lick] This magnifying glass is mine now!

[lick-lick-lickGotta look pretty for my close-up!


  1. All the grooming Simon was doing helped because he looked his best in his costume and River was hoping that the magnifying glass was made of something yummy, or maybe that's her way of claiming the magnifying glass for herself, she is dressed as Sherlock Holmes after all!

  2. Hahahahaha They are so goofy! Buns can't resist the siren call of licking everything they see, even themselves!

  3. Hi Tarosagi and Mónica!

    I had to laugh with all the licking they were doing--you can definitely tell they're siblings! XD

    I did Simon's photo shoot first (still trying to keep him from getting whatever yuck River has) and he licked the freshly cleaned magnifying glass before deciding he needed to make himself look extra spiffy. I think River noticed that Simon had laid dibs on it and had to go overboard with applying her own special layer of bunny hork all over it.
