
Sunday, December 25, 2022

Close enough!

Wishing you all the joy and magic of the holidays!

We wanted to thank you all so very much for your kind words and condolences.  We are truly humbled to know that our Simon touched the hearts of so many and made people's lives just a little bit better.  That's a pretty cool legacy for a little bunny!

River is doing well and is slowly finding her new normal (as are we).  Mr. Giraffe isn't as good at giving kisses as Simon, but he's doing his best and that's what counts!

We'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Jan 2nd.  We hope you all have a Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it and a very happy Sunday for those who don't.  We also hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year!


  1. Dear River S. Bun and Hoomins,

    I am so very sorry that Simon J. Bun passed before Christmas.

    I will miss seeing the little guy. I do deliver to the Rainbow Bridge and I know everyone there is very happy (but they do miss their partners and hoomins, and eagerly await their reunion).

    River, I hope you liked your present, circumstances being what they are.

    Thank you for the salty snack! Mrs. Claus is trying out swimsuits and keeps talking about wanting to go cave diving and getting an all-over tan. I hope Helpful Elf isn't claustrophobic and brings plenty of sunscreen! I'm going to be taking a long 3+ month nap before waking up and snoozing under my favorite Ice Tree in my outdoor camping snow fort.

    Be a good bun okay?



  2. I'm sure Simon is still giving kisses from where he is !
    Merry Christmas :)

  3. I'm glad that Simon will still be getting presents from Santa this year and every year to come I hope he got lots of treats and fun things to play with!

    River's costume is super cute and she makes the most adorable reindeer, she's dressed in her Christmas best! I hope she gets lots of love from Mr. Giraffe and all the family and lots of presents too. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Santa!

    Aww, thank you and thanks for the presents for both me and Simon! I'm glad he still gets presents from you over the rainbow bridge.

    You're very welcome for the snack and I hope you're giving Helpful Elf a raise/hazard pay for the cave diving. As much as I love exploring, even I'd nope out on that one! I hope you have a nice, relaxing holiday filled with naps and fun and fun naps. You really have to commit to the flop for the perfect nap, but I'm sure you already know this.

    I'll try to be a good bun...mostly because I'm fresh out of plausible deniability for stuff like thumping and peeing where I shouldn't. Um...that last one is totally justified because the little human keeps picking me up and giving me medicine.


  5. Hi Alex!

    Knowing Simon, I'm sure that he's giving his new friends all the lovies and blowing bunny kisses River's way! Thanks and we hope you had a great one. :)

    Hi Tarosagi!

    Me too! I'll let the little munchkin know that she was rocking the 'reindeer' costume! She had all of the yummy treats, noogies, and snuggles today. I'm so glad to see her appetite improving (a Christmas present in itself). Aww, thanks and we hope you had a great holiday too! :)

  6. Merry Christmas to you three! I'm happy to hear that you are doing well. Take all the time you need to grieve and heal, and give River as much love and presents as she demands. I'm hundred percent sure that little darling is just having a weird time not knowing where her big bro is. Take care!
    PS: I hope Simon bun, wherever he is, is having the most wonderful Christmas ever and gets everything he wants!

  7. Hi Mónica!

    Thank you and we are definitely showering the little munchkin with all of the love (and a reasonable number of treats--no tummy aches for our little girl)! We're giving her time to figure things out and are going to be keeping Simon's empty cage where it is for now. We don't want to change her environment too much due to her poor eyesight (cataracts) and her having a pretty specific mental map of our living room. She is definitely loving all of the attention and will bunny purr up a storm when you give her noogies. :)

    PS: Aww, we do too!
