
Monday, December 5, 2022

Live and learn.

Mr. Giraffe seems scandalized by what Simon did to the towel.  This is why we put towels down while warming up buns on the heating pad.  Sometimes they get a bit too comfy. (No worries, the couch remained pristine.)


  1. That towel must've been so cozy for him to forget his manners since he was too overcome with the need to relax! I guess Simon took his relaxation too far this time but hopefully Mr. Giraffe can help Simon out with his public relations and be his PR manager!

  2. Hi Tarosagi!

    Lol! Poor Mr. Giraffe's brain is working overtime on how to spin this to make it look positive in some way. He definitely doesn't want Simon to appear like an overindulgent 'party animal'--what would that do to his political career prospects?! XD

  3. Oh my God he has zero chill! Or maybe too much chill... It must have been hilarious to suddenly watch the stream come out of his floofy derriere! By the look on his face it seems like he doesn't regret anything about it and would gladly do it again!

  4. Hi Mónica!

    Seriously! At least I didn't see the show as it happened because I'm sure that would've resulted in me trying to rush him off the couch and into his litter box, leaving a trail of pee in our wake and he'd be all done by the time I got him to where he needed to be. ;)
