
Thursday, December 1, 2022

She's making this a thing.

River has found a new favorite napping spot.  Comfort and snacks all in one convenient location!


  1. And it's also a great way to get your paws dirty! What a diabolical genius! True evil never rests! Although someone should tell her the correlation between sleeping in your food bowl and getting your paws cleaned...

  2. Nice to see River having a nice hardy meal of greens! I'd say she's starting to take a page out of Simon's book and trying to find the best spots that will help maximize her comfort and snacking!

  3. Hi Mónica!

    Seriously! The little munchkin never misses an opportunity to make a mess of herself and her surroundings and after almost 11 years, it still hasn't dawned on her the connection between messes and cleanings. XD

    Hi Tarosagi!

    River knows a good idea when she sees one! I imagine that she's taken credit for Simon's discovery. ;)
