
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Cranky cleaning.

My front paws were fine and now they're all wet and smell like soap!  Little human better make with the apple chips after this or I'm gonna pee in her shoes.

One day River will learn not to stand in her food.  Today was not that day.


  1. Poor River, she can't help but play with her food, or get a little on her front paws so that she can get a small taste before she goes head first into her dish!

    Hopefully River got some apple chips, that threat sounded serious!

  2. Her body is her canvas, us humans don't get it, it's art! Sadly many artists remain underappreciated.

  3. Hi Tarosagi!

    You're right--she's creatively taste-testing her food! ;) The cranky little princess did manage to weasel an apple chip out of me, so it wasn't a total loss for her.

    Hi Mónica!

    It's probably a good thing that she doesn't know that finger painting with food is a common pre-school activity among American toddlers. She would jump into that hobby with all four feet! XD
