
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Little helpers.

Okay, I laughed hard when I stumbled across this pic!  River is all up in big human's business trying to micromanage how her cage is cleaned.  Meanwhile, Simon is chuggin' a lug on his water bottle to make sure that we humans have job security in the litter box emptying department.


  1. I've never seen a bun drink as passionately as Simon was drinking in this pic.
    It looks like River has strong opinions about cage cleaning!

  2. What a thirsty boy, look at Simon chugging all that water, I hope the litter didn't need to be changed too early after this picture. Simon's much more easy going about the litter, but definitely not River, if the litter is not placed the way she wants it, she'll send it back!

  3. Hi Mónica!

    The little dude was wasting no time in re-claiming his litter box! She is a strict task master when it comes to her cage, no doubt. ;)

    Hi Tarosagi!

    Simon would practically over-hydrate himself twice a week on cage cleaning day just so he could re-claim his litter box more quickly. He knew that there were wild bunnies outside and that River would totally try to claim his territory too if given half a chance. You totally called it with the 'send it back'--River is so picky about her wood chips that she'll try to kick them out if you don't put the proper amount in!
