
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Mirror assist.

Kudos to the mirror wall!  It has definitely helped me catch just the right angle for bunny cuteness.


  1. God bless mirror buns, they have given us tons of derpy and cute moments!

  2. The mirror buns are showing us how comfortable River is and how good of a kiss dispenser Simon is too! Simon even dispenses kisses on the mirror buns so he's all about giving kisses, the best big brother!

  3. Hi Mónica!

    The mirror buns really do us a service, don't they? XD

    Hi Tarosagi!

    They really are! Simon was definitely the best fluffy big brother and all time champion of kiss-giving around these parts and there probably wasn't a reflective surface in here that he didn't kiss for good measure (especially if it was freshly cleaned). ;)
