
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Sunny mornings and mischief.

Simon:  Where's River?!  I just closed my eyes for a minute!

River:  I wonder if I can jump on top of that picture frame...


  1. She is truly fearless! I'm panicking just by looking at this picture, how can she be so calm??? She may fall!

  2. River's always been the more adventurous of the two, and Simon always the wary big brother, look behind you Simon, and try to stay calm! It's so sunny and bright I wonder if they found some nice sun puddles to sit in and relax?

  3. Hi Mónica!

    She really is fearless and has always sought out the highest vantage point she could get to. It always amazed me how effortlessly she could just spring up to the back of the couch. Simon was definitely jealous of that ability because he'd try to follow her and just get his front paws up there so he'd dangle a second before sliding back down onto the cushions. XD

    Thankfully, as she's gotten older she doesn't have the power to propel herself up like that, so she contents herself on scaring me by trying to fall out of her cage when she sees me open a bag of treats.

    Hi Tarosagi!

    They really did complement one another and helped balance each other out in terms of shenanigans! Oh, they definitely found a nice sunny spot for cuddles and naps after River's failed attempt at launching herself at the wall. :)
