
Thursday, January 12, 2023

Throwback Thursday!

These pics were taken March 10, 2012 (the day we brought Simon and River home).  Simon was trying his best to protect River from these strange new humans and the wide world beyond the travel cage by blocking the exit.  We learned that River's patience lasts a grand total of 10 minutes, when she climbed over her big brother to go exploring.
Hey, Simon--Are you comin' out?

A half hour of exploring later, River decided to circle back to check on Simon to see if he was ever going to come out and play.  


  1. "Wake up Simon ! tt's time for new adventures :)"

  2. Always the caring and protective big brother, but I'm sure he was also scared and very cautious of his new home, poor little guy stayed in the travel cage for a long time!

    I'm sure River got tired of asking Simon if she could go out and explore the new place and Simon's pleas to stay put went unheard because of her superpower!

  3. Ten minutes??? Impressive for a rabbit as headstrong and determined as River.
    I can't believe how tiny they were back then, just two small fluffy beans. It must have been hilarious to watch tiny River climbing Simon to get out! Poor little fella seemed to be a nervous wreck but after a good coercing he got out to explore!

  4. Hi Alex!

    Yeah--no time for napping, only exploring! :)

    Hi Tarosagi!

    The little fella was very uncertain about this whole 'new home' thing! We tried to give him time to exit on his own, but with his stubbornness, I ended up having to gently pull him from the travel cage to help him surmount that first huge hop into a new adventure. Thankfully, as soon as his little paws hit the soft ground, he was all about checking out the toys!

    Hi Mónica!

    Well, it wasn't for lack of her trying to exit the cage sooner, just that it didn't yet occur to her that she could climb over Simon. XD After unceremoniously pulling Simon from the travel cage, he set to claiming all of the toys pretty quickly as we just stayed back to let them get their bearings.
    They really were tiny little munchkins--barely bigger than a coke can!
