
Thursday, February 9, 2023

Throwback Thursday!

Got tummy rubs?

I had to laugh when I noticed the cloth Simon was laying on.  I literally gave the little dude the shirt off of my back to use as a security blanket because he was going through separation anxiety around the time we moved to the new apartment.  The little guy would thump whenever I was out of his sight for more than 10 minutes.  He kept that shirt for years until it got too well-loved to keep! 💕


  1. Awwww what a sweetheart. I didn't know buns could get separation anxiety! Poor little darling was confused about the sudden change in his environment and attached himself emotionally to his most reliable human. Bunnies are way more complex than people think.

  2. That's the lovable Simon that I know, the burly boy with a gentle, sweet soul!

    He must've really had a hard time during the move, and I'm sure it was hard for him whenever you left his line of site, but I'm sure he grew to love that shirt that reminded him of you!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    Simon really was sweet little bumblebun!

    After making sure his thumping wasn't due to an argument with River, something scaring him and making sure he was perfectly healthy so illness wasn't the cause, I did some research and found that separation anxiety was a thing. I had to have big human help test my theory that it really was separation anxiety. I would walk away while Simon was busy cleaning or doing something else that had his eyes off me while big human stayed in the living room watching for his reaction once he noticed I was gone. The thumping was like clockwork and only happened when I was the one 'gone'. The little fella made me his sun and stars when I assumed he'd bestow that honor on River!

    This made for some very loud evenings when we went to bed and the little guy was not giving up thumping for the return of his favorite human...all night long. After giving him the shirt, it took a few days of tough love (not rushing to him to calm him down) before he accepted that I wasn't gone forever if I wasn't in his sight.

    After that, the shirt was his favorite thing--good for snuggling, flopping on, and getting bunny hork all over it to shape it into a tee-pee/bunny fort! :)
