
Thursday, March 2, 2023

Bunny curiosity.

We really were lucky that the builders of our last apartment took bunny proofing seriously!  You just know that baby Simon would've tried to stick his tongue in the socket and discover that electricity tastes like purple.


  1. The builders had a lot of common sense! Because given the chance, bunnies will try to taste everything! Burning hot radiators, electricity, fresh paint, food they are not supposed to have... and the list goes on!

  2. Look at Simon's face, Simon really wants to know what that electrical outlet tastes like! I'm sure he knows that electrical cords have a nice spicy kick to them, so imagine going to source of all that spiciness?!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    Bunnies really do live by the 'anything is edible once' rule! Taste testing must be a universal bunny past-time where they score double points if they scare their human. XD
