
Monday, March 20, 2023

It's all good.

Just a bit of bunny love to start your first day of spring off right!


  1. Just the way I want to start my day and week with some wholesome bunny love and snuggles! Looks like River is still the champion of getting low and getting all the kisses, since she's so little no wonder she always has the advantage of squeezing herself smaller to win!

  2. There's no better way to start the week! River may shove herself under Simon's chin to get kisses, but who could say no to that cute face? Certainly not Simon!

  3. Hi Tarosagi!
    Lol--River definitely made the most of their size difference! We're lucky Simon was such a good sport about always losing the get low, get kisses game (though I suspect the little fella did it on purpose because he just loved giving kisses). :)

    Hi Mónica!
    The little munchkin is always able to weaponize the 'Disney eyes' at a moment's notice in order to get whatever she wants! I think we came to the conclusion that we're all just River's puppets a long time ago. She'd get kisses from Simon, bananas from Big Human, and noogies from me. ;)
