
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Mr. Bun!

Big human had a wild bun sighting and couldn't help but snap a quick pic.  The little fella was all about the noms!


  1. It's one of River and Simon's wild cousins, I'm sure they can all trace their lineage back to an ancestor wild bun that was definitely all about the noms, because they all love their noms! Scoots too for that matter, always cooly eyeing River's treats!

  2. Mr. Bun was so into the nom he barely noticed Big human snapping a pic! He won't know he is internet famous!

  3. Hi Tarosagi!
    You're so right that the love of noms is universally a bun trait! I can only imagine that little wild bun's reaction would be to things like pellets or bananas. No worries--I'd never try to feed them, but it would be an interesting conversation between a wild and domestic bun. XD

    Hi Mónica!
    I was amazed the little fella let him get so close because he took that pic with a cell phone! I wonder if he could sense that big human is a friend of bun. :)
