
Wednesday, March 8, 2023

'Scuse me!

Can I get some kisses, please?

Naturally, I rushed to 'help' them give River kisses once I realized she was stretching her little head out for them (Scoots was blocking my view).


  1. Mr. Giraffe and Scoots certainly try to fill the huge role of Simon the official kiss dispenser! They might need a boost or a nudge every once in a while but it's good to see them growing closer to River and being best buds!

  2. Let's not make her wait for too long just in case she gets cranky! But yeah, Simon's shoes are way too big to fill. Everyone has to do what they can!

  3. Hi Tarosagi and Mónica!
    You're right about it taking everyone (2 humans, Mr. Giraffe, and Scoots McGee) to even fill part of Simon's shoes in the kiss department! We're lucky that River is content with things even if the service is a bit slow if her purrs are anything to go by. I think she knows we're trying our best. :)
