
Monday, May 1, 2023

Progress is progress, right?

The key to River sharing her food is that she has to have something better than what's being shared.  In this case, it's noogies and an apple chip for her, romaine for Mr. Giraffe.  Even Scoots McGee is uninterested in the food paste that was his lot.


  1. I know he is giving her noogies and better treats, but from this angle it looks like Big Human is physically restraining her to stop her from lunging at Mr. Giraffe and Scoots for approaching her meals!

  2. Good to see that the sharing is caring is progressing little by little! Mr. Giraffe is very happy with his celery stick and Scoots is definitely uninterested in the paste, but is absolutely eyeing the apple chip, River better keep an eye on her treats!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    Lol--you're right! Oh, the captioning possibilities I missed with that change of perspective. XD

    Hi Tarosagi!
    It is funny how River is becoming more like Simon as she ages with the snarfing of the treats. I doubt Scoots could get there fast enough to snatch a bite. ;)
