
Thursday, May 4, 2023

Where's my big human?

Big human had to travel to the other side of the country this week for work and River was having a sad when she realized he was still gone.  Naturally, everyone pitched in to try and turn her little frown upside down.  Thankfully, he should be back Thursday evening and then all will be right with her world again! 


  1. Oh no she looks so down! Poor girl! I'm sure she will be overjoyed when Big Human returns!

  2. The cuddle puddle will make everything better, and hopefully the big human can video chat with River so that she doesn't miss the big human as much! Safe travels big human!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
    Yeah, noogies and treats could only distract so much. Thankfully, big human made it home safely and the little munchkin about fell out of her cage in her enthusiasm trying to greet him! He gave lots of noogies and treats, so she's a happy little camper again. :)
