
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The moment of discovery!

There are treats in here!!!

Soon to be followed by the Bunny's Dilemma:  Does he keep this discovery to himself or does he let River know about the awesomeness hidden inside the white ball.


  1. Hmmm, decisions, decisions... I wonder who will win this battle of the wills, Simon's big heart or his even bigger stomach?

  2. I'm sure Simon shouted this discovery from the top of the couch knowing full well that River's super power would cause her to ignore his claims that there are treats in the bunny ball! This way Simon saves face with River and he can eat all the treats, and if River comes around to check the ball she'll think it was all a hoax!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

    You're both right that Simon's big heart wouldn't let him keep this world-changing discovery to himself (plus, the little dude couldn't keep a secret if he tried). River, having exploring to do, would probably ignore him anyway or tell him to leave her some after he did all the work of extracting said treats from the ball. Simon, of course, would do no such thing.

    As Mr. Giraffe, Esq. would say of his client, "Simon performed his due diligence in notifying River of the treats and is innocent until proven guilty if no treats remained by the time River visited the treat ball."
