
Monday, August 7, 2023

Bunny curiosity.

If you were ever wondering how to get two bunnies into one spot at the same time, just act all mysterious as you lift the corner of a towel! 

Sorry for the late post.  I'm not sure if Google was having issues or if it was a connection issue due to some storms that rolled through last night.


  1. They are a couple of busybodies lol, they want to be in the middle of all the action!

  2. I'm sure they were hoping there might be treats under there or maybe they got territorial of their towel being moved or taken away! No worries about the storm, hope everyone stays safe, and thankfully River's super power lets her ignore any thunder storms!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    Lol--Bunnies really do take nosiness to the next level, don't they? XD

    Hi Tarosagi!
    No doubt if there was ever a possibility of treats being under there, those two would start a shoving match to be the first to investigate! We are so lucky River is as chill as she is (especially with the cataracts). I know she can sense light/dark and movement, so I'm glad the lightening didn't spook her and she was happily munching on bunny cookie pieces when I went to check on her. :)
