
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Cranky bun.

I'm not talking to you! [shunning intensifies]

We had to do some slight alterations to River's cage so she could move around a bit easier.  She was having trouble navigating the jump into her litter box and it was getting to be a challenge to keep things sanitary.  We have paper bedding everywhere but her spaceship and her food is all in the same place as usual, just up on folded washcloths to keep the bedding out of them.

River is not a fan of this change.  Fingers crossed she adjusts fairly quickly!

(Also, please ignore the marks on my thumbnail.  I use that to get consistent stitches when sewing.)


  1. Well, I guess River isn't the biggest fan of Feng Shui, at least when she isn't the one causing it! She may be a grumpy potato now but with time she'll understand it's for her own good! She will see that more space equals more possibilities for mayhem and chaos!

  2. Change can be difficult, River will definitely be cranky and upset that everything feels wrong and out of place but I'm sure once she realizes how easy it is to now get in and out of her spaceship, she'll appreciate the change!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
    The little munchkin has been exploring her chaos and mayhem options with the paper bedding and seems to enjoy being able to turn her entire cage into a litter box. Ah well, at least the messy spots are easy to see and swap out, so that's nice! ;)
