
Monday, October 30, 2023

Sooo good!

I learned the hard way that the only way to give River carrot baby food is by syringe (as a treat and to make sure she gets enough liquids).  She's trying to yank the syringe out of my hand as though that will magically make more carrot yummies come out.

Now to clean the baby food off of her face from earlier...  Good thing she already has orange spots because those stains are not comin' out! 😜


  1. She looks super eager to get that carrot baby food, she's going to fall out of her spaceship if she keeps yanking on the syringe like that!

    It's definitely good that she already has orange spots so if she ends up having an orange little face it's all okay!

  2. They really think that they can feed themselves better lol Or maybe they think the syringe is a toy filled with yummy treats and they must have it.

  3. Hi Tarosagi and Mónica!
    She is surprisingly strong for a little old lady bun! Thankfully she must've realized how scuzzy her face got and didn't put up too much of a fuss when I came at her with a wet paper towel. Probably thought she was getting a spa day! ;)
