
Monday, November 20, 2023

A well-deserved treat!

River is happily munching on a cranberry after letting us give her sub-q fluids for the first time at home.  She was very good and even put up with me slopping a bit on her fur.

Not gonna lie, this was a bit nerve-wracking at first, but we did it as a team with big human holding and giving noogies, Mr.Giraffe, Esq. for emotional support/legal purposes, and me playing the role of bunny nurse.

River's feeling a lot better and hopefully we won't need to give fluids too often (if at all) fairly soon.  She's been eating very well on her own and has been much perkier the past few days giving nose-bonks and begging for treats!  I think giving her a full dose of probiotic (BeneBac plus powder in carrot baby food) 3 hours after every dose of antibiotic (Baytril) is replacing any of her good gut flora that the antibiotic is wiping out, so she isn't having the nasty gut issues/GI stasis she had the last time she was on antibiotics.  She's also on gabapentin twice a day, which has helped with her arthritis and appetite.

For a bun who turns 12 next month, her quality of life has greatly improved and it's awesome to see! 💕

Here's a great video of how to give sub-q fluids to rabbits that I found useful even after getting a demo in the vet's office:


  1. Good girl River! I'm so proud of you and your owners for all the great work they are doing with you and for how well you are handling it! As long as she has noogies and treats, River will be okay with whatever she thinks you are doing to her magnificent and lustrous hair!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that River's recovery is going well, and that everyone is lending a hand to make sure that she's comfortable and happy when you administer her medicine, and I'm sure that Mr. Giraffe is very happy that his client is being treated with so much love and care.

    She's a remarkable little bunny and I can't believe that she'll be turning 12 soon!

  3. Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
    Aww, thank you so much! We're so glad she's starting to feel better and act more like her old self. The little munchkin seems to understand that we're trying to help her, so she has the patience of a saint! She has gotten all of the noogies and cuddles for being such a good girl and I'll give her some extra for you both! :)
