
Monday, November 13, 2023

She is so gonna pee in my shoes for this.

Do you know how they take temperatures here?!

River was acting a bit agitated, peeing a bit more than usual, and wasn't eating or drinking well on Thursday, so we wanted to get her looked at.  I suspected she was dehydrated and fed a more liquid version of her paste, offered more fresh veggies and a critical care-pellet-water 'bunny Ensure' that she happily ate on her own.  We couldn't get an appointment until Saturday morning, but she had started eating better on Friday so we had that going for us.

She was a very good girl at the vet and got some subcutaneous fluids for the dehydration.  The vet was happy to hear about her being fed the paste food and 'bunny Ensure'. They also took some blood for analysis which the vet tech said, "She took that like a champ!"  They're checking to see how well her kidneys are functioning and looking for any age-related metabolic issues. We should get the results early this week.

River is feeling a lot better and is eating well on her own.  I've been making sure to offer lots of the 'bunny Ensure' to try to get more liquids into her along with extra calories, which she is loving and tries to pull the feeding syringe out of my hands!


  1. Proud of you River, you're so strong !!!

  2. Oh River, I'm sure I can imagine how the temperature is taken, just close your eyes and hold Mr.Giraffe's paw. I'm glad this was solved and she is more or less back to her usual happy self. She seems to be very excited about her new food!

  3. Oh sweet little River!

    I am relieved that she is back to her old self and that she came back from the vet with a clean bill of health and that she is recovering from her dehydration and doing so much better, hooray!

  4. Hi Alex!
    I'll give our little trooper a noogie for you! :)

    Hi Mónica!
    Getting her fluids really made a huge difference and she's eating well now. I decided to mix it up a bit and also offer some carrot baby food for extra liquids--she thinks it's a treat! XD

    Hi Tarosagi!
    We just got the news that her kidney tests were normal, so no kidney failure! We're going to learn how to give sub-q fluids and she'll need some antibiotics for a UTI, but that is sooo much better than the alternative! :)
