
Thursday, December 14, 2023

Go Simon, get your hop on!

River's hyping her big brother up for his solo slippery floor voyage.  She taught him well!


  1. Dear River S. Bun,

    It is that time of the year again and I am here to check in with you to see if you have any last-minute requests. I am going to be doing a fly-by to shake out the new sleigh. I have been told it is much more cozy and large inside but outside it is very small and lightweight with all the fancy gizmos you'd find in a typical car or starship.

    Helpful Elf will be coming along just to see what I see and validate the new sleigh. They are already grumbling about the planned vacation to there-where-the-heat-doesn't-stop. Mrs Claus wants us to move there permanently but you know how I am with sweating.

    For the actual event, may I request a slight alteration, and instead of just one salty=-savory-sweet sandwich, can you make it two foot-long ones and some soup too? Delivering presents makes me hungry! I wonder how those folks at UPS and FedEx do it without gaining 20 pounds a day?

    Anyway, enough of me yammering. I have a sleigh to break! Remember to be a good bun and take your medicines, eat your greens, and follow humom and dad okay?


    Santa Paws

  2. He is a brave little big fella with an awesome coach! I just hope he didn't have any 'accidents' on the slippery floor!

  3. River is the best coach, she taught Simon how to walk on the slippery floor so that they could go on so many adventures and go to places a bun has never gone before.

    One small step for bun, one giant hop for bun-kind!

  4. Dear Santa Paws,

    That makes sense that your sleigh would be very high-tech and require a lot of testing to make sure you can go super fast around the globe all in one night. Hopefully everything passes muster and you can relax a bit before your big journey!

    I will let little human know so she can make some yummy sandwiches and a couple different soups for you. I'm not sure what soup is, but according to big human, she sure makes a lot of it and I get to munch on the carrots, celery, and parsley when she does!

    I'll be good--I only have one medicine to take now and it tastes yummy, so that's nice!


  5. Hi Mónica !
    Simon really was and thankfully he must've realized that any accidents on the slippery floor would've just added to the difficulty of walking on it, so we didn't have to worry about that! ;)

    Hi Tarosagi!
    She is really patient when she's trying to show anyone or anybun something...especially if the call to adventure is involved! XD

  6. He looks so full of pep!

  7. Hi Anon!
    He really wanted to show off what River taught him how to do! :)
