
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

I'm ignoring you so hard right now!

You may need to check my math on this one, but I'm pretty sure that if two bunnies ignore one another at the same time, it cancels the ignoring out.  Right?

River definitely has that 'He started it!' look.


  1. She looks so dignified! River, siblings shouldn't fight! What got you two shunning each other??

  2. Math checks out, you can only shun a bun if the other bun is actively being ignored but if they're both ignoring each other no one is shunned.

    If we were to get the mirror buns involved in this equation, the math will certainly get more difficult!

  3. Hi Mónica!
    She really does look like a miffed little princess! XD
    I can only guess it was her getting into trouble for nipping Simon's butt because he was stealing her pellets (and we didn't know he was stealing them at the time, so she'd get time-out to add insult to injury). Naturally, Simon saw unguarded pellets and went with 'finders keepers' so he was getting his butt nipped for eating his own pellets, which is an injustice that simply won't stand and we end up with double bunny shunning.

    Hi Tarosagi!
    Oh, good--I was beginning to second guess myself! The addition of mirror buns would turn this from simple math into a quadratic equation, which would require way more coffee that early in the day. ;)
